Study abroad and the John Brown Scholarship Fund
On the 19th November a reception marking 25 years of 'study abroad' in the School of Law was attended by some 70 alumni, guests, staff and current students. Outward mobility planning began on the very day the Berlin Wall fell: 8 hours after a team of three flew in from Glasgow to meet colleagues at Mainz, East Germans began pouring through control points in Berlin. That day marked a new start for Europe, and also for the Law School. Now, some 1250 Glasgow law students have studied abroad - either in Europe under the ERASMUS scheme, or further afield in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the USA. The evening also marked the launch of the 'John Brown Scholarship Fund', designed to help ensure that study abroad is available to all, no matter a student's financial situation. Giving an appreciation of John's work in building up the mobility programme, graduate Gavin Simpson (Law with German; 2000) mentioned John's enthusiasm and passion for outward exchange.
Gavin, who now works with the EU as a human rights investigator, earlier gave a seminar in the law school, talking about his work after graduation.