GFSL: The Process of Law Reform in Criminal Evidence and Procedure
The next meeting of the Glasgow Forum for Scots Law will take place at on Wednesday 24 February at 3.30pm The Process of Law Reform in Criminal Evidence and Procedure
Professors James Chalmers and Fiona Leverick will discuss the various law reform projects that have taken place relating to Scottish evidence law and procedure, from the Thomson Committee in 1975 to the present day. They will consider the strengths and weaknesses of the three different methods of law reform that have been utilised: Scottish Law Commission projects; individual with a team (whether a team lead by an individual or an individual with an advisory reference group); and Government in-house review. They will then discuss a number of factors that might serve to make a law reform project legitimate and/or successful. In doing so, they will draw in particular on the case study of the corroboration law reforms and the lessons that might be learned from these.
Time: 3.30pm, 24 February at 3.30PM
Location: Room 134, Main Building, University of Glasgow (entrance via Thomson (Anatomy) Building Car Park)
As usual, the event will be livestreamed:
You can tweet comments and questions using #gfsl2016
All welcome.