School of Law and Citizens Advice Scotland – 25th anniversary event

The School of Law and Citizens Advice Scotland are celebrating 25 years of partnership with an anniversary celebration on Thursday 8 February. Since its inauguration in 1991, the scheme has helped over 600 students benefit from the experience of volunteering for Citizens Advice. Candidates undergo training to become Citizens Advice advisors, before joining a team at a local centre. This unique opportunity allows law students to gain knowledge and practical skills relevant to their future careers.

Volunteers develop their understanding of practical applications of the law, how to interview, how to research cases, how to negotiate and represent clients, as well how to work within the confines of a set of principles fundamental to Citizens Advice: the service is free, confidential, independent and impartial.

The event will also mark the launch of GO Justice, an initiative that will bring together the growing number of rights- and social justice-related projects underway which directly involve law students.

The evening will open with a series of short presentations from law school staff, students and guest speakers, marking the School’s long-standing collaboration with Glasgow's Citizens Advice Bureaux. There will also be an opportunity to hear about the School’s GO Justice scheme, giving a taste of some of the exciting projects and student opportunities that fall under its banner.

If you wish to attend this event, you can register via Eventbrite:

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